Mediterranean Flavors: Exploring Herbal Medicine in Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt

The ancient Mediterranean region was rich in vibrant colors, flavors, and remedies that helped keep the civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Egypt thriving for thousands of years. We will explore ancient medical texts in each of these empires, the influence of war and trade on herbal medicine, and popular medicinal and culinary recipes used for health and healing.

On June 10-13, 2021, the International Herb Symposium was held virtually and brought together a wide-range of herbalists and healers to speak about a variety of topics related to herbal medicine, veterinary botanical medicine, traditional uses of plants, botany, and plant history. The conference is also a fundraising event for United Plant Savers, a U.S. non-profit organization whose goal is to promote the preservation of native North American medicinal plants.

‘Mediterranean Flavors: Exploring Herbal Medicine in Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt” is available through registration with the International Herb Symposium, an herbal conference that occurs every two years in the U.S.


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