
The Herbal Column

Modern Musings on Ancient Greek Herbalism

Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From the Herbal Academy: Was Hippocrates an Herbalist?

Hippocrates was a renowned ancient Greek physician and teacher born on the island of Kos in the Aegean Sea. While we know him as the father of medicine today, Hippocrates may also have played an important role as an herbalist. Let’s explore how he may have been both a renowned physician and celebrated herbalist in his day.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From the Herbal Academy: The Herbs That Got Away - Rediscovering Silphium and Other Missing Historical Plants

With a landscape brightened by vivid colors and infused with aromatic scents of ocean and mountains, the ancient Mediterranean region provided a sensational feast for the senses. Many of the historical plants that the various ancient civilizations in this region gathered for food, medicine, and religion remain in use today. Yet, the story of some of these historical plants, for various reasons, ended too soon…

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Mediterranean Flavors: Exploring Herbal Medicine in Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt

The ancient Mediterranean region was rich in vibrant colors, flavors, and remedies that helped keep the civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Egypt thriving for thousands of years. We will explore ancient medical texts in each of these empires, the influence of war and trade on herbal medicine, and popular medicinal and culinary recipes used for health and healing. This recorded presentation is available through registration with the International Herb Symposium.

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