preserving herbal traditions IN GREECE

We preserve our cultural traditions by sharing them. While we have lost connections with the ancient practices of herbal medicine, we are fortunately able to continue the herbal customs of our grandparents and elders. With each generation growing older and passing away, it is important to capture the relationship our families have with medicinal plants. These plants are a timeless feature of the Greek landscape and their role in our lives is invaluable.

Do you live in Greece or have relatives who live in Greece? Submit your herbal recipes, natural remedies, or healing experiences with local herbs.

Your first name, location, and herbal recipe will be shared publicly on this website. The goal is to create an extensive collection of experiences with the magical herbs of Greece.

Your submission helps keep these traditions alive.

If you would like to submit a photo with your submission, you can submit it here.

Your submission will be reviewed, edited, and added to a public online collection of Greek herbs and their traditional uses on this website.

This project was made possible by a grant from the Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities initiative of the Society for Classical Studies, New York University.

Read the feature in The National Herald.