The Secrets of Nemea

An interview with Dominik Brun of Venikos Wine & Culture Travels. His knowledge of Nemea in the Peloponnese region is focused on organic products, wines, and gastronomy. Dominik and Maria Christodoulou (The Greek Herbalist) are offering the Herbal Medicine & Culture Tour in the Peloponnese on May 11-18, 2024.

Maria: Our tour will bring participants to some very special places in Greece. Can you tell us where we are going and why these places are so special?

Dominik Brun of Venikos Wine & Culture Travels

Dominik: First we will spend a few days in Athens. A very lively city with an incredible rich history and culture. During the past few years, the interest in gastronomy has spiked up, art is everywhere, and the city has lots of hidden gems to be discovered. One of them is the botanical garden where Maria will lead a guided tour. We also will visit the famous site of Delphi where in ancient times every Greek leader went to consult the oracle for answers.

After a couple nights in Athens, we will travel to the old Venetian city of Nafplio, stopping on the way to see the Corinth Canal, a marvel of engineering. Then our adventures in the Peloponnese begin. We will visit the ancient site of Epidauros, an important healing center where people from far away places would come. Last but not least, we explore the Nemea region that is famous for its wines. Each of these places are loaded with history and mythology and you will feel the long-lasting Greek culture.

Maria: Who is our tour designed for? Does someone need to be interested in history to enjoy the tour? What are some other activities that we'll be doing? 

Dominik: This tour is for people who are interested in plants and the medical and ethnobotanical use of them. But not only. Also everybody who likes spending time in nature, eating fine food and drinking a nice glass of wine, and wants to learn more about Greek history and mythology.

Nemea is one of the oldest wine regions in the world.
— Dominik Brun

Maria: Where is Nemea and why is it a special place in Greece?

Dominik: Nemea is one of the oldest wine regions in the world. In this area, there are archaeological remains that provide evidence that wines have been made in this region more than 4,000 years ago. Nemea is also the place where the Nemean Games where held in antiquity. It is located in the middle of the Peloponnese surrounded by rolling hills and mountains. It is known for its special grape variety called Agiorgitiko, which is a red grape that makes fine wines. Nemea is also known from mythology where Hercules had to slay the Lion of Nemea. We will tell you the story of the Nemean Lion with a glass of Agiorgitiko during the tour.

Maria: What are some highlights of the tour that you are most excited about?

Dominik: I am looking forward to all the tour. I am most exited to meet new people and to travel with them, learn new things, and share my knowledge. This is always the best part. Of course the sights we will visit are exciting and I also look forward to having dinner in the evening, eating traditional meze, and talking about the day and the experiences we shared.

Maria: What do you enjoy about being a tour guide and wine connoisseur? What inspired you to do this kind of work?

Dominik: I can travel, eat and drink and tell people that this is work. It is a passion for me. I like to meet new people, share wisdom, share moments, learn about different cultures and philosophies, learn about history and mythologies. All that together with fine food and a good glass of wine. In Greek there is a word for drinking wine and philosophize: Αμπελοφιλοσοφία – wine philosophy. The moment when you sit at a nice place, drink and talk with your friends and let your thoughts wander.

Maria: Is there anything else you'd like to share about our tour in May?

Dominik: The combination of the tour together with Maria – The Greek herbalist is a highlight for me. Our guests will have the unique chance to have both of us with them and I am sure that it will be very interesting. Lots of knowledge, culture and influences combined to give our guests an exciting and unforgettable tour.

Herbal Medicine & Culture Tour in the Peloponnese

MAY 11-18, 2024

Join The Greek Herbalist and Venikos Tours to explore the secrets of Athens, Delphi, and the Peloponnese during an exciting 8-day tour.


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