
The Herbal Column

Modern Musings on Ancient Greek Herbalism

Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Medicinal Wine in Ancient Greece

Featured in the Fall 2023 issue of the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild, the article "Medicinal Wine in Ancient Greece" by Maria Christodoulou explores the historical evidence and efficacy of herbal wines in Greek antiquity: “Piecing together historical and archaeological evidence of ancient herbal customs can help us understand the value of these natural remedies and provide inspiration to herbalists today who wish to connect to their own heritage from this region.”

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Medicinal Herbs in Ancient Greece

Lemon balm, St. John’s wort, oregano, and mastic. What medicinal powers do these herbs have and how did the ancient Greeks use them for their own health?

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

The Ancient Greek Herbalists We know

The ancient Greek civilization thrived on philosophy, science, and the healing arts. From ancient texts to excavated pottery, there are countless artifacts to engage our senses. To begin our journey, we must first meet the herbalists who made history.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From the Rootcutter: A Clinical Herbalist Attempts to Make Ancient Greek Herbal Wine

It is a curious cultural phenomenon that while the ancient Greeks used wine regularly as medicine, modern herbal practices practically exclude this medium. Ancient authors, from Homer in the 8th century BCE to Galen in the 2nd century CE, promoted the therapeutic benefits of wine for both the body and the mind, and wine infused with medicinal herbs was recommended by many ancient physicians to heal a variety of internal and external ailments. Today, however, this practice has all but disappeared. Exploring wine as a lost medium and the herbs that were once infused in it may help uncover ancient knowledge applicable to modern herbal medicine.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Myths & Medicine: Plant Walk in the National Garden

ATHENS – From myths to medicine, plants in Greece hold a plethora of ancient stories and knowledge for us to explore. These timeless plants were the inspiration behind countless mythological tales and medicinal recipes that both entertained and healed our ancient Greek ancestors for thousands of years. Join The Greek Herbalist this summer in Athens for a plant walk through the scenic National Garden for an adventure to ancient Greece.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

The 1st Panhellenic Conference of Traditional Greek Folk medicine

As a speaker for the 1st Panhellenic Conference of Traditional Greek Folk Medicine, this presentation explores ancient and modern herbal practices of popular herbs in Greece. Exploring the theme that “custom is king,” a cultural continuity of herbal customs − from ancient to modern Greece − provides insight into how plants can teach us timeless lessons about history, health, and the persevering character of nature itself.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From the Herbal Academy: Ancient Mediterranean Recipes: Favorites from Greece, Rome, and Egypt

Excerpt from the Herbal Academy: “The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, who lived more than two thousand years ago, bequeathed to us traditional Mediterranean recipes and remnants of their favored meals. By studying the eating habits of these wondrous civilizations through surviving texts, artworks, and archaeological remains, we can learn about their sacred customs, the diversity of animal and plant species in their environment, the diseases they suffered from, and the natural remedies they crafted to heal themselves.”

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Ancient Rituals in Modern Beauty

Throughout the ancient Greek world, the oak tree symbolized holiness, unrivaled strength, and fierce grace. Learn how the Ancient Oak Forest Mask, made by Apis Apotheca using acorn flour from the Acorn Oakmeal Initiative in Greece, infuses sacred mythological powers with modern skin nutrition.

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From The Herbal Academy: De Materia Medica - The Ancient Text That Changed The World

Excerpt from The Herbal Academy: “There is a grand mystery and pleasure in reading ancient texts that can still fulfill our curiosities about the human experience. Writings about herbalism are no exception, as they give us a sense of how our ancestors lived, survived, and interacted with the natural world around them. De Materia Medica, Latin for “On Medical Material” is a surviving text from the first century written by Pedanius Dioscorides (c. 40-90 CE), a Greek medical botanist and physician who served in the Roman army. His five-volume manuscript describes approximately 600 plants for more than 1,000 traditional medicines. Centuries after it was written, Dioscorides’ celebrated herbal reference would become the basis of European and Western pharmacopeia.”

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

From The Herbal Academy: The Four Humours of Ancient Greek Medicine

Excerpt from The Herbal Academy: “Herbalism is an ancient practice with thousands of years of historical applications. Today, the well-recognized ancient traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine remain instrumental as effective herbal practices. Equally important is understanding and recognizing the contributions of ancient Greek herbalism, namely the four humours. Although these concepts are no longer mainstream theories, they continue to provide an underlying foundation to modern medical and herbal practices.” 

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Medicinal Herbs in Ancient Greece

Lemon balm, St. John’s wort, oregano, and mastic. What medicinal powers do these herbs have and how did the ancient Greeks use them for their own health?

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Maria Christodoulou Maria Christodoulou

Everlasting Traditions in Herbal Medicine

The practice of herbal medicine in antiquity was not separate from everyday living. It was an integral part of every custom, celebration, and recipe throughout the ancient world.

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