Ancient Greek Herbal Medicine Intensive

The Ancient Greek Herbal Medicine Intensive offers three in-depth courses on ancient Greek herbal history, sacred herbs in Greek mythology, and historical applications of popular Greek herbs.

The courses are self-paced and can be completed on your own schedule. They are available on the Herbarium, an online membership platform hosted by the Herbal Academy designed specifically for students to begin their herbal journey or advance their herbal education.

Membership to the Herbarium is priced at $45 / year and includes access to lessons by a diverse group of herbalists on a variety of herbal subjects.

Also available on the Herbarium by The Greek Herbalist are two in-depth articles:

Register for the Herbarium to access the Ancient Greek Herbal Medicine Intensive and more!


Come explore the botanical bounty of Greece with us. From mountains to islands, we’ll learn about medicinal plants, Greek mythology, herbal remedies, and traditions with the land.

Join us on the herbal path in Greece.